TÜV AUSTRIA ITALIA has officially become an AiFOS accredited Training Centre


As of March 2022, TÜV AUSTRIA ITALIA has officially become an AiFOS (Italian Association of Occupational Safety Trainers and Operators) accredited Training Centre for the organization and provision of occupational safety training courses pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 81/08 and subsequent amendments and additions, and in accordance with State-Region agreements.

AiFOS – officially recognized by the Ministry of Economic Development and an ope legis body – represents on national level companies and individual trainers whose purpose is training and whose sector involves the use of machinery and equipment.

In Italy, for the provision of training courses on Occupational Health and Safety there is a particularly stringent and complex regulation, which provides a series of constraints, which differ depending on the courses to be provided. For most of the OHS courses, it is essential to be among the subjects authorized by the respective State-Region agreements, otherwise the company can neither organize nor provide such courses. Since TÜV AUSTRIA ITALIA is not accredited at regional level for training activities and is not among the subjects that are legitimated to provide these courses (this depends on the single State-Region agreements), it will not be able to organize OHS courses (and updates)  regarding 81/08 and equipment.

This agreement is therefore a key factor for TÜV AUSTRIA ITALIA to be legitimated to provide OHS courses.

The mission of TÜV AUSTRIA Academy in Italy is focused on the enhancement of training for the development of the culture of prevention, health and safety in living and working environments so that it increasingly involves quality, skills and responsibility.

The prevention of safety at work is developed not only through the crucial role of training but especially through the knowledge of those who are the makers: teachers and training centers.

Residual Stress Analyzer

MTS3000-Restan by SINT Technology:
Automatic system to perform the ASTM E837-20 procedure by hole-drilling

SINT Technology, a member of TÜV AUSTRIA Group, produces the MTS3000-Restan. An automatic system to perform the ASTM E837-20 procedure by hole-drilling.


Austrian Delegation:
Smart Manufacturing Business Mission

TÜV AUSTRIA Shanghai participated in the Smart Manufacturing Business Mission to Central China, organised by the Commercial Section of the Austrian Consulate General.

Canton Fair 2024


Canton Fair:
Showcase of TÜV AUSTRIA’s expertise and services to a global audience

The 135th Canton Fair, revered as “China’s first exhibition”, provided a platform for TÜV AUSTRIA to showcase the expertise and services to a global audience.

innotec x modelwise cooperation


Modelwise and innotec
Partner to Innovate Functional Safety

Modelwise, a spin-off of the Technical University of Munich that develops software for automated functional safety analyses, and innotec GmbH, a consulting company specialized in Functional Safety and since 2020 part of the TÜV AUSTRIA Group, announced their strategic partnership to innovate functional safety assessment. The collaboration combines Modelwise’s innovative software tool Paitron, applicable for all (A)SILs according to IEC 61508 and ISO 26262, and innotec’s expertise in functional safety solutions including HARA, safety requirements management, and safe hardware and software development.

SINT Technology

Residual stress analysis in mechanical components
With state-of-the-art measurement technology

SINT Technology, a member of TÜV AUSTRIA Group, uses state-of-the-art measurement technology to test the residual stress level in mechanical components.

SINT Technology

Non-destructive mechanical method for residual stress analysis

SINT Technology, a member of TÜV AUSTRIA Group, uses the non-destructive mechanical method for residual stress analysis.

Canton Fair 2024
innotec x modelwise cooperation

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